Download JAS Client


To become a transmission spot on your own, just follow the steps below:

  • Install JRE 1.3 or 1.4 on the host running Java (if not already done). Download install files from >>
  • Download JAS from our website
  • Extract the file on the host that will run JAS
  • Open the file ReadMe.txt in the root directory of JAS (JASpack)
  • Follow the steps to configure JAS on your system
  • Send an email to Martin with your preferd URL that should show up on the entry page >> mail
  • In the return mail find your peronal jasid, update the config file accordingly.
    • Open the file JASpack/config/client.config with a text editor
    • Set the jasid entry to jasid=[insert your jasid here]

As soon as your jasid is inserted into the servers config file and your JAS client is running, you will be visualized on the pia homepage with a green dot beside your URL. Should you encounter any problems with installing JAS send us a mail >> mail


